Sunday, April 1, 2012

HEY WORLD! Coming in live, hot, and about three days after it's due (but I'm blogging it regardless for the mental stimulation!) We have, yet another, blogging assignment.

Here's a big one. My Future at OU, or as it's specifically titled in the assignment, "Future @ OU" (So twitter).

I am here to inform you of what I see myself doing specifically at OU in the next three years.

Ohhhhkay. We're just going to tackle this and see what happens.

While one of my five strengths is futuristic, I've really only planned the next five steps ahead of me- that is to say, I know where I want to invest my time for next semester, and some what for the semester after that, but that's about as far as I've gotten. Here's my thoughts though-

BYX- as Rush Chair, I'm going to have a lot of contact with the class of 2016. This is a BIG deal, one because I am going to have an influence over these potentials and it needs to be one that will benefit and grow them into the leaders for tomorrow, but two because this will grow me as a leader, hands down. I  have aspirations of being an executive officer if the chapter so requires that of me in time, but that is a far ways a way.

CAC- I just want to be involved here, period. At this point, I don't have any further aspirations than to serve on CAC execs for events. That will change after I've gotten my first taste of a CAC exec I have no doubt, my primary concern is to get involved for the sake of pouring back to the campus.

Gaylord- Three things. Gaylord Ambassador, PRSSA involvement, and Lindsey + Asp. Gaylord Ambassadors are the premiere student representation of Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications- they are the best, they're trained, and they offer perfect experience for aspiring Public Relation majors like myself to get out and represent. PRSSA gives me an even more specific avenue for that. Public Relations Student Society of America is all about the PR students! Lindsey + Asp is something for a year, year and a half down the road, but its a professional PR and advertising agency housed inside the college of Gaylord. Can you say internship possibilities?

Other- I really want to be a Tour Guide. Period.

Here the crux of it all though- I'm probably going to come back to this list in three years and laugh at it. These are real goals, but like other things in real life, they're going to acclimate as I experience these organizations, gain experience and wisdom, and advance through my university experience. I'm excited, I'm pumped, but this is just a general outline of what I might do. I'll leave the rest to God.

Jeremiah 29:11

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