Thursday, April 12, 2012

OU Mission Statement- are YOU Living it?

"Never forget: The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society." -Public Affairs Office of the University of Oklahoma

The question is whether or not OU is living this out fully, and honestly, I can't expound much on this one- I believe it's succeeding. By that I don't mean the University of Oklahoma has reached a peak, a summit of excellence from which the university can ascend no higher. But, unarguably, the University of Oklahoma is actively succeeding in all areas listed AND constantly seeking to IMPROVE itself. That is key. Passive and static behavior leads only to regression- but this university is far from passive. In my education, I feel as though I have every resource available to me in the world- all I have to do is shoot an email, and off I go.

So basically, as I always, I'm pretty happy I'm here.

Happy Thursday my friends!

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