Sunday, April 8, 2012

Attitude and Action

I hope you are ready for some 19 year old, college freshman, eccentric and guided wisdom on leadership- because it's BLOG TIME.

"Attitude is your most important asset."

Attitude is considered a "soft" asset. While some things in this world can be consider tangible resources- such as money, stocks, and so on- there exists a parallel, imaginary storeroom filled with our soft assets- our networks, skill sets, and yes, our attitudes. While these assets might not accrue interest like some hard assets, you better believe these soft assets will be pulled out during times of crisis and need.

So attitude is a soft asset during a time of need, check. When is a time of need for attitude?


Our attitude is the focal lens through which we view every scenario life could possibly throw at us. If your attitude is understanding and intentionally patient, then you'll be able to easily manage curve balls thrown at you during the work day. However, if you come on the clock with a poor attitude, you might find yourself pulling your hair over the most mundane things, such as a slow running modem or your neighbor smacking gum. Attitudes effect our entire day, and thereby effect our actions.

Here's the big hitter in this two minute read- after all, you might be thinking at this point "So what? I know a good attitude is what people want, but as long as I get the job done, who really cares?" This is very true, but why do the job when you can do your job WELL? Let me scribe you a quick equation describing why someone who is not intentional with his or attitude will not be successful in their field. One's attitude must be consistent BECAUSE-

Actions are dependent on attitude.
If one's attitude is variable, so are his actions.
The consistency of action is what defines integrity.
Integrity is compromised if actions are variable.


If one's attitude is not consistent, his integrity is compromised.

Funny how such a small thing can topple something so big concerning successful living. Seeing my point?

Attitude is foundational to anything you want to do with your life. You choose how you react to things in life, not circumstances.

React well.

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