Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"School Pride" Scholarship Blog

MIXING IT UP! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to essay it up right here, right now,  about the University of Oklahoma- and I'm doing it for money.

So, how the University of Oklahoma has and will contribute to my specific career path. Let the word count begin.

As a Public Relations major with a dual minor in Entrepreneurship and Chinese, the University of Oklahoma has provided me every resource to succeed in the form of college excellence, on campus internships, study abroad opportunities, and extra curricular programs.

The Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication is one of the premiere colleges at the University of Oklahoma, with state of the art facilities to be harnessed by the ambitious journalism, media, and public relations students at the university. The college's programs span internationally with associate professors leading webinars as they perform their job professionally overseas. Gaylord College has been ranked by multiple sources as one of the best journalism colleges in the nation, but there is one thing in particular that makes it advantageous for me, and that is Lindsey + Asp. Lindsey + Asp is a student led Public Relations and Advertising firm that is run within a wing of Gaylord that was built and designed specifically for the purpose of housing the firm. The firm, which is in it's third year of existence, has ballooned in success, and graduating members of the firm have found this to be an incredibly valuable asset due to the unique nature of this internship that helps them be differentiated in the competitive market.

In my pursuits to learn Chinese, the Study Abroad office and OU Cousins program will help me reach my aspirations far swifter than I would have anticipated. I plan to study abroad summer of 2014 in China, and I already have a price quote! The faculty in the Study Abroad office want you to succeed, they want you to study abroad. They will help you prepare years in advance for the trip you need to succeed. I believe immersion is the best tactic for learning a language, and three months abroad will help differentiate me from others vying for the same jobs that have not had the same opportunity. During that time however, I will not be without practice! Alongside taking classes at the university, I intend to partake in a program called OU Cousins, which pairs you up with an international student. I intend to be paired with a Mandarin Chinese speaker with which he can develop his English and I can develop my Chinese conversational skills. This will be invaluable, as it will help me to constantly remain competitive in my Chinese classes and language speaking ability.

There was once a time in my life when I was uncertain about my future in the job market- now I stand confident. I have every resource, and will use every resource available, to become extremely competitive in the job market. One thing is for certain though- while I have sought out all resources on my own ambition, they were provided to me through the University. Being a student at the University of Oklahoma means being a student who will succeed dramatically past undergraduate years, and receiving an education to last a life time.

Hope you enjoyed! Back with an educational leadership blog in a few days! BYE BLOGGERS!

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