Monday, April 16, 2012


I'm going to lay this out, straight forward, to the point. All discipline like.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. This week's blog is about self discipline.

I'm going to lay out five areas of my life where self-discipline is lacking.

Physical fitness: I am beginning to bounce back in this area, but from Spring break to present I began to regress in my gym habits from three-a-week to two-a-week, and last week, one a week. I'm experiencing a bounce back- I did a two-a-day today! However, consistency is key. And consistency is something that's just not there.

Biblical fitness: Spiritual is one thing, but Biblical fitness- as in habitual reading my bible? It can be a struggle sometimes.

Job hunting: The name says it all. Three jobs this summer or bust.

Educational: I'M SO CLOSE TO A 4.0 FOR THIS SEMESTER. It's easy to start slacking post Spring break, and I have to be constantly on myself to get things done.

Name-and-face Rentention: You meet so many fantastic people at this university! So many that sometimes the faces blend in. I'm fairly good at this, but until I eliminate the issue, there is always room for improvement.

And improvement I shall seek. See, that's the crux of it all. There is always going to be SOMETHING I'm strugging hard on. But the constant aspiration for betterment of myself and the drive to push for that?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is self-discipline.

Peace and Jeremiah 29:11, bloggers.

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