Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have many stories to tell you, about Spring break, the sun drenched East coast, and living life like I never thought possible, BUT- the most important story I have to bring to the table is the real deal.

It’s an interview with Michael Nash.
Yes. THE Michael Nash.

Michael Nash works in the University of Oklahoma Office of the President as the Press Secretary of University. An alum student and member of Lambda Alpha Chi, Michael was heavily involved with the intrafraternity council and OU Cousins. He left a successful mark on the University, and is now continuing to give back to his University by a member of the professional staff by working with the President’s Office.

As an ambitious freshman who is in love with this University and has a passion for networking, I was more than simply intrigued by this man’s reputation after I was referenced to him twice from two different offices.
I approached Michael for an interview and he graciously agreed. While his answers in whole reflected an impressive base of experience and knowledge of the University, there were nuggets of gold that I specifically wanted to bring to the attention of you wonderful bloggers.
As a Public Relations major, networking is a life skill I need to hone and perfect at THIS stage of my life, and after reading Ivan Misner’s “Networking Like a Pro”, I am convinced that the art of networking only works when you FIRSTLY and PRIMARILY care about the person you’re meeting. The profitability of the relationship will come later down the line, or maybe it won’t. But you care about a person, that is how it is done. Therefore, I was nothing short of ecstatic when Michael seemed to take a page out of Misner’s book.

“When hearing the term "networking," many people think of job interviews, public figures and famous people.  In all actuality, I think the best approach is to simply take a sincere interest in each person you meet.  You never know when paths may cross again.”  -Michael Nash

Run and hashtag that, tweeters.
Any Public Relations major should take that to heart. For further information, I would highly recommend reading Ivan Misner’s “Networking Like a Pro”- follow this link for the amazon information on the book ( and this link for Ivan Misner’s credentials ( if you’re link doesn’t come up, let me just say this- if the man can form the internationally successful BNI chapter system along with holding down his own professional career, the man knows what he is talking about. Back to the man of the hour-

In my time in growing as a leader at the University of Oklahoma, I’ve heard the many different strategies of my fellow leaders around me, fellow aspiring freshman. Myself, I’ve planned my way to senior about ten times over- and it’s fun as it is addicting. However, Michael Nash again brings light to this with words of Nash-filled wisdom- it is all about living in the moment.

“For me, I found that as I continued to grow and mature throughout college, my focus was not on the next possibility but rather on the task and work at hand.”

Michael went on to explain that it’s not about what you’re GOING to do, it’s about what you’re working on right NOW. You put your time, efforts, and talents into what you. I think this is very crucial for developing leaders such as myself. The future is a bright, fantastic, and thrilling thing- but the present will not take care of its self. We have to focus on the now, to build the stage for tomorrow.

This guy sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, right?
(Probably because he does.)

BOOM! Michael Nash everybody!

It was enriching. It was enlightening. It was thrilling.
I hope it was the same to you.

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