Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Okay. Blog blog blog time.

I'm about to paint you a picture of what happened in class the other day- why? Because I'm about to blow your mind.

(...and because my assignment requires me to.)

Okay. PROBLEMS turned into CHALLENGES turned into RESULTS.

In class, we had an electric maze we walked through (sounds sketch, but roll with me.)  It required team building and coordination. It required us to look at a problem, turn it into a CHALLENGE, and make RESULTS (see the tie back in!)

I'm going to tell you something. A problem I've seen? I wanted to change the rush process of my fraternity, so I said "Hey, let's go. Let's make this the biggest rush and recruitment season we've ever seen."

And I've been rolling with it ever since haha. It's been a fantastic growing event. As a woo-positivity-communications-strategic-future, it's been a fit for my leadership abilities. It's grown my strengths and stretched my limits, and it's turning me into a man. A MAN.

Now the last question to address. How do I solve this challenge set before me? How do I strive for excellence as I'm being stretched farther than I have ever been before? How do I accomplish such a feat?


Got em'.

Peace out, Spring Breakers.

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