Monday, February 20, 2012


Alright, so this week's assignment. Get ready, it's about to get real.

I'm about to write a letter to the seniors in highschool. I'm about to depart weeks, nay, MONTHS of wisdom about college life.

Ready. Steady. LEGGO.

Dear High School Seniors,

Here's the deal. You're about to enter the best four years of your life to date. It's going to be crazy, it's going to be busy, but don't lose your heads. Stay calm, stay cool, stay collected. Let's hit the highlights-

GO to class. DON'T skip. This isn't high school, you don't walk in and gift the class with your intelligence. You walk in, take notes as fast as the hand allows, go back to your dorm, study them, back up your notes with your textbook, back up both of those with study groups. Learn D2L. Learn OU OZONE. The first semester is a learning semester, but don't let it set you back!

BE INVOLVED! Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! Seek out the Greek System, the CAC, UOSA, all the other major organizations on campus. This is four years of your life, and a whole lot of tuition dollars. If you're JUST getting you're education, frankly, you're not getting your money's worth.

It's going to be a new experience. You're going to be living in the dorms, it's no parents, it's a whooooole lot of change. Go into it with an intentional, positive, and MATURE attitude- and you got this!

And hey- excellent choice coming to OU. You'll love it!!


BOOM. Done. Sleep time. BUT HEY BLOGGERS! Take that advice to heart. Be Intentional, Positive, and Mature this week- make the choice to be upbeat and strive for the best! Kbyeee!


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