Monday, February 6, 2012

OKAY- This one is quick post. Because it is late, and my bed has been calling my name for several hours now.

So this week, I need to outline several of my goals for you faithful blog folks.

So, here you go.

Have a successful Rush season for 2012: This is something I am putting a lot of time to, and will be putting a lot MORE time into in the months to come, me and many others. Rush season. It's going to be super awesome.

Get Involved in the CAC: Life is a busy thing, but one thing I want to pour time into is a CAC exec. It may not happen until sophomore year, but I will eventually make a bid for an exec. I am a big believer of  taking "what we do in here" to "fill the streets out there". CAC exec members get to invest time in something bigger than themselves and pour back into campus students. True story.

Lead Tours During the Summer: Student Tour job at OU over Norman. I want to get the job, and succeed in the job. Enough said.

Maintain and Progress in my Quest to Spread Positivity: THIS IS HUGE. I've stressed positivity before, and for good reason. My goal is to spread it where I go, therefore it's a daily goal.

Okay, this is super weak blog material, but it's 12:29 a.m. ....don't judge me friends! Sleep is required. Best of luck to everyone this week, make it an awesome one and live loud and live happy!


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