Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog Blog Blog BLOG TIME.

I'm going to get right down to the meat of it. TONIGHT'S ASSIGNMENT-

Tell you about my priorities before college, post college how they have changed.
I'm also going to address Valentine's Day even though that is not assigned- because I'm taking this blog an EXTRA. STEP #welcometothenextlevel

Priorities before college? Up until April of 2011, my priorities were all based around the idea that I was going to a fine arts college, as previously mentioned. Therefore, everything was geared towards voice lessons, intensive work on shows, and even more intensive research into different colleges. My work was mostly internally focused as I tried to figure out what I was going to accomplish in my college career as a theater major and how I would go about things after that. I was a planner.

And as I also previously mentioned, God had other plaaaaans.

I still have the nature of a planner- after all, my SECOND animal on the UZoo test after porpoise was eagle, which should explain everything to you. I'm organized, constructed, and also, I look to the future (see Strengths Finders 2.0 mention in first post) BUT my plans and the nature of my plans are very different. I'm no longer geared inwardly in growing myself as an actor, but OUTWARDLY by giving back to people through campus involvement. I've found that by giving back outwardly, I gain inwardly a sense of accomplishment and growth.

It's crazy, but it's true.

So, priorities HAVE changed, but the NATURE in which I prioritize is still consistent.

Okay, now I'm going to throw you a curveball. Valentine's Day. wasn't even asked to blog about this. I'm just throwing this out there. Taking a risk. Being risky. Because that's what I doooo.

Alot of people feel reallllly empty on Valentine's Day. But I want to remind all you bloggers that stumbled across this page for whatever reason of something huge-


"But God shows and clearly proves His love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5: 8

^^That right there is love bigger than any Hallmark card can describe.

Happy Valentine's Day, blogging community!!!


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