Monday, April 16, 2012


I'm going to lay this out, straight forward, to the point. All discipline like.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. This week's blog is about self discipline.

I'm going to lay out five areas of my life where self-discipline is lacking.

Physical fitness: I am beginning to bounce back in this area, but from Spring break to present I began to regress in my gym habits from three-a-week to two-a-week, and last week, one a week. I'm experiencing a bounce back- I did a two-a-day today! However, consistency is key. And consistency is something that's just not there.

Biblical fitness: Spiritual is one thing, but Biblical fitness- as in habitual reading my bible? It can be a struggle sometimes.

Job hunting: The name says it all. Three jobs this summer or bust.

Educational: I'M SO CLOSE TO A 4.0 FOR THIS SEMESTER. It's easy to start slacking post Spring break, and I have to be constantly on myself to get things done.

Name-and-face Rentention: You meet so many fantastic people at this university! So many that sometimes the faces blend in. I'm fairly good at this, but until I eliminate the issue, there is always room for improvement.

And improvement I shall seek. See, that's the crux of it all. There is always going to be SOMETHING I'm strugging hard on. But the constant aspiration for betterment of myself and the drive to push for that?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is self-discipline.

Peace and Jeremiah 29:11, bloggers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

OU Mission Statement- are YOU Living it?

"Never forget: The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society." -Public Affairs Office of the University of Oklahoma

The question is whether or not OU is living this out fully, and honestly, I can't expound much on this one- I believe it's succeeding. By that I don't mean the University of Oklahoma has reached a peak, a summit of excellence from which the university can ascend no higher. But, unarguably, the University of Oklahoma is actively succeeding in all areas listed AND constantly seeking to IMPROVE itself. That is key. Passive and static behavior leads only to regression- but this university is far from passive. In my education, I feel as though I have every resource available to me in the world- all I have to do is shoot an email, and off I go.

So basically, as I always, I'm pretty happy I'm here.

Happy Thursday my friends!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"School Pride" Scholarship Blog

MIXING IT UP! Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to essay it up right here, right now,  about the University of Oklahoma- and I'm doing it for money.

So, how the University of Oklahoma has and will contribute to my specific career path. Let the word count begin.

As a Public Relations major with a dual minor in Entrepreneurship and Chinese, the University of Oklahoma has provided me every resource to succeed in the form of college excellence, on campus internships, study abroad opportunities, and extra curricular programs.

The Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication is one of the premiere colleges at the University of Oklahoma, with state of the art facilities to be harnessed by the ambitious journalism, media, and public relations students at the university. The college's programs span internationally with associate professors leading webinars as they perform their job professionally overseas. Gaylord College has been ranked by multiple sources as one of the best journalism colleges in the nation, but there is one thing in particular that makes it advantageous for me, and that is Lindsey + Asp. Lindsey + Asp is a student led Public Relations and Advertising firm that is run within a wing of Gaylord that was built and designed specifically for the purpose of housing the firm. The firm, which is in it's third year of existence, has ballooned in success, and graduating members of the firm have found this to be an incredibly valuable asset due to the unique nature of this internship that helps them be differentiated in the competitive market.

In my pursuits to learn Chinese, the Study Abroad office and OU Cousins program will help me reach my aspirations far swifter than I would have anticipated. I plan to study abroad summer of 2014 in China, and I already have a price quote! The faculty in the Study Abroad office want you to succeed, they want you to study abroad. They will help you prepare years in advance for the trip you need to succeed. I believe immersion is the best tactic for learning a language, and three months abroad will help differentiate me from others vying for the same jobs that have not had the same opportunity. During that time however, I will not be without practice! Alongside taking classes at the university, I intend to partake in a program called OU Cousins, which pairs you up with an international student. I intend to be paired with a Mandarin Chinese speaker with which he can develop his English and I can develop my Chinese conversational skills. This will be invaluable, as it will help me to constantly remain competitive in my Chinese classes and language speaking ability.

There was once a time in my life when I was uncertain about my future in the job market- now I stand confident. I have every resource, and will use every resource available, to become extremely competitive in the job market. One thing is for certain though- while I have sought out all resources on my own ambition, they were provided to me through the University. Being a student at the University of Oklahoma means being a student who will succeed dramatically past undergraduate years, and receiving an education to last a life time.

Hope you enjoyed! Back with an educational leadership blog in a few days! BYE BLOGGERS!

This scholarship is sponsored by

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Attitude and Action

I hope you are ready for some 19 year old, college freshman, eccentric and guided wisdom on leadership- because it's BLOG TIME.

"Attitude is your most important asset."

Attitude is considered a "soft" asset. While some things in this world can be consider tangible resources- such as money, stocks, and so on- there exists a parallel, imaginary storeroom filled with our soft assets- our networks, skill sets, and yes, our attitudes. While these assets might not accrue interest like some hard assets, you better believe these soft assets will be pulled out during times of crisis and need.

So attitude is a soft asset during a time of need, check. When is a time of need for attitude?


Our attitude is the focal lens through which we view every scenario life could possibly throw at us. If your attitude is understanding and intentionally patient, then you'll be able to easily manage curve balls thrown at you during the work day. However, if you come on the clock with a poor attitude, you might find yourself pulling your hair over the most mundane things, such as a slow running modem or your neighbor smacking gum. Attitudes effect our entire day, and thereby effect our actions.

Here's the big hitter in this two minute read- after all, you might be thinking at this point "So what? I know a good attitude is what people want, but as long as I get the job done, who really cares?" This is very true, but why do the job when you can do your job WELL? Let me scribe you a quick equation describing why someone who is not intentional with his or attitude will not be successful in their field. One's attitude must be consistent BECAUSE-

Actions are dependent on attitude.
If one's attitude is variable, so are his actions.
The consistency of action is what defines integrity.
Integrity is compromised if actions are variable.


If one's attitude is not consistent, his integrity is compromised.

Funny how such a small thing can topple something so big concerning successful living. Seeing my point?

Attitude is foundational to anything you want to do with your life. You choose how you react to things in life, not circumstances.

React well.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bloggers, Googlers, and others- welcome. IT'S BLOG TIME!!

Here's a good one, just for you guys. Time to outline my BOA- my Board of Advisers.

"Nathan, what's a Board of Advisers?"

I'm so happy you asked.

No matter how efficient the leader, how well learned, how much preparation has been put in, no man can be his own council. Every leader needs a board, a council, of men and women who can reflect on, encourage, criticize, and shed new light on his or her ideas. As iron sharpens iron, so a leader's cabinet should refine his ideas and purpose.

Deep, right?

I want to tell you about five people that would make up my Board of Advisers. It's not because solely because these five are the greatest impacts on my life, though arguably, the first three definitely hold prevalent places- and more importantly their counsel contrasts in such a way that is gives a full, well round feed back as a whole. The first three I outline will be those who are close in my life now, and the last are two that I hope to have in my life in the near to semi-near future for more professional council.

Ryan Goodwin (encourager)-- Ryan Goodwin, my big, is a man I've mentioned multiple times in my blog. And oh yes- he is a man. Whenever I have an idea, whether it's pertaining to Rush and Recruitment, what I'm planning for my major, or just some random small life choice, he is the man who affirms my confidence and pushes me to PUSH it farther. I come to this man with a molehill and a dream, and after thirty minutes we have ourselves a mountain of an idea.

Jessie Robertson (Yes, but...)-- Jessie Robertson, my sister and one of the ladies in my life that has had the most impact on me and who I love like, well, a sister, is one a few people that can reign me in properly. Like Ryan, she affirms and pushes me when I come to her with ideas. However, as she knows me much deeper and can read the nuances of my personality better than anyone else she can call me out and say "Yes this is a good idea, but I think your pouring your time into something that you don't really love." (not an actual quote, but it's an example of something that she could say in love sheerly because she knows me best.) It's also very easy to share my heart on issues with her, and therein allowing her to see my heart and where it is in situations and if my heart is in the right place, which is a BIG deal.

Landon (The man in the trenches with me)-- Landon Ferguson, a freshman at OU who is equally if not moreso passionate about this University than I am, is a man who's council I value simply because we are currently in the same place, roughly speaking, in our campus journey- almost done with freshman year, big dreams, and more than anything else I believe Landon seeks God's will when it comes to his campus involvement, which is something big to me as I believe God SHOULD have a hand in that. Our points of view our similar, but that is important with a council- you need someone who knows where you're at in life because HE'S there as well- you need a comrade in the trenches. Landon thinks before he speaks, and I have not heard him speak intentionally before and not been impressed by the wisdom in his words.

Bob Pritchard (Older is Wiser!) This is a man I just met actually, but I have aspirations for him to be this man for me someday- the man that can pour into me as only a seasoned professional in my field can do. This would be a relationship where he would talk and I would simply listen and soak. Bob Pritchard is a Public Relations professor at the University of Oklahoma, with a hand in PRSSA and Lindsey + Asp, with twenty plus years of experience with Public Affairs with the government- and I'm going to his office hours tomorrow for the first time actually. I intend to build a relationship with this man long before it becomes "necessary" or "strategic". I believe firmly that, in regards to my relations with Christ and my ability to lead and to accumulate to the professional world, my cup will only stay full if someone is pouring into myself.

 Renzi Stone (The golden goose) I call this one the golden goose because this connection, if it ever happens, is a ways down the long line. Renzi Stone is an alum of OU, and CEO of Saxuum's Public Relations- he was ranked one of the top 40 businessmen in Oklahoma City under 40, and his career is still ballooning towards a bright future. The difference between Mr. Stone and Professor Pritchard is that while Pritchard can give me invaluable advice of how to invest my time in college for a career, Mr. Stone can actually paint me a picture of what a career in Public Relations could be like, as Public Relations firm is about as hectic as the business gets for strategic communicators. While Mr. Stone is not someone penciled in for the near future, I have hope (and some confirmation) that one day, I might be able to sit down opposite of Mr. Stone over a Bricktown Dinner, and student to professional, talk business.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

HEY WORLD! Coming in live, hot, and about three days after it's due (but I'm blogging it regardless for the mental stimulation!) We have, yet another, blogging assignment.

Here's a big one. My Future at OU, or as it's specifically titled in the assignment, "Future @ OU" (So twitter).

I am here to inform you of what I see myself doing specifically at OU in the next three years.

Ohhhhkay. We're just going to tackle this and see what happens.

While one of my five strengths is futuristic, I've really only planned the next five steps ahead of me- that is to say, I know where I want to invest my time for next semester, and some what for the semester after that, but that's about as far as I've gotten. Here's my thoughts though-

BYX- as Rush Chair, I'm going to have a lot of contact with the class of 2016. This is a BIG deal, one because I am going to have an influence over these potentials and it needs to be one that will benefit and grow them into the leaders for tomorrow, but two because this will grow me as a leader, hands down. I  have aspirations of being an executive officer if the chapter so requires that of me in time, but that is a far ways a way.

CAC- I just want to be involved here, period. At this point, I don't have any further aspirations than to serve on CAC execs for events. That will change after I've gotten my first taste of a CAC exec I have no doubt, my primary concern is to get involved for the sake of pouring back to the campus.

Gaylord- Three things. Gaylord Ambassador, PRSSA involvement, and Lindsey + Asp. Gaylord Ambassadors are the premiere student representation of Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications- they are the best, they're trained, and they offer perfect experience for aspiring Public Relation majors like myself to get out and represent. PRSSA gives me an even more specific avenue for that. Public Relations Student Society of America is all about the PR students! Lindsey + Asp is something for a year, year and a half down the road, but its a professional PR and advertising agency housed inside the college of Gaylord. Can you say internship possibilities?

Other- I really want to be a Tour Guide. Period.

Here the crux of it all though- I'm probably going to come back to this list in three years and laugh at it. These are real goals, but like other things in real life, they're going to acclimate as I experience these organizations, gain experience and wisdom, and advance through my university experience. I'm excited, I'm pumped, but this is just a general outline of what I might do. I'll leave the rest to God.

Jeremiah 29:11