Monday, February 20, 2012


Alright, so this week's assignment. Get ready, it's about to get real.

I'm about to write a letter to the seniors in highschool. I'm about to depart weeks, nay, MONTHS of wisdom about college life.

Ready. Steady. LEGGO.

Dear High School Seniors,

Here's the deal. You're about to enter the best four years of your life to date. It's going to be crazy, it's going to be busy, but don't lose your heads. Stay calm, stay cool, stay collected. Let's hit the highlights-

GO to class. DON'T skip. This isn't high school, you don't walk in and gift the class with your intelligence. You walk in, take notes as fast as the hand allows, go back to your dorm, study them, back up your notes with your textbook, back up both of those with study groups. Learn D2L. Learn OU OZONE. The first semester is a learning semester, but don't let it set you back!

BE INVOLVED! Don't be afraid to put yourself out there! Seek out the Greek System, the CAC, UOSA, all the other major organizations on campus. This is four years of your life, and a whole lot of tuition dollars. If you're JUST getting you're education, frankly, you're not getting your money's worth.

It's going to be a new experience. You're going to be living in the dorms, it's no parents, it's a whooooole lot of change. Go into it with an intentional, positive, and MATURE attitude- and you got this!

And hey- excellent choice coming to OU. You'll love it!!


BOOM. Done. Sleep time. BUT HEY BLOGGERS! Take that advice to heart. Be Intentional, Positive, and Mature this week- make the choice to be upbeat and strive for the best! Kbyeee!


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Yeah. Lead Your Way is definitely upping the workload.

Alright, so. Bystander Behavior. The Behavior of Bystanding. Psychology at its finest. Here's the basic concept-

1) we witness something happening out of the ordinary (and for the sake of the argument, it's negative-)
2) we are outside the situation or the event
3) upon assessing the event, we either a) act, or b) do not act.

Simple, si?

Here's the thing though. Step 3? It's a loaded step.

Assessing the event is an extremely complicated process in our head. We're balancing whether or not it fits the social norms, whether it's justifiable and we are simply viewing it out of context, whether or not it would dangerous for us to intervene, whether physically or socially. This could be anything from traditional hazing to a biker essentially running over a pedestrian and then cycling away (which recently just happened on our campus).

Basically, it is a conflict between our sense of moral inclination and our fear of breaking the social norms- BINARY OPPOSITION! (learned that term in my film class last semester- that's right. I apply knowledge I learn in college #successfulsooner).

After going over this in class on Tuesday, my buddy and I were walking down the south oval, chilling and being chill and I got hit with a prime example of the Bystander Behavior. I saw a chain of keys hanging from a post. My thought process was as follows-

"Oh, keys."
"That could be bad."
"Nah, probably just one of the campus employees set their keys down."
"Yeah, he'll be right back."
"Yeah, this campus is pretty safe."

I mentally smacked myself in the head five minutes later when I recalled the Bystander Effect. So here's the deallll-

College students are in the transitory stage where they've just jumped out of the teenage years and they're about to plunge into REAL adult life- the time for habit making is now. So the question is, why is this not a habit college students are reinforcing?

One word, and it's a big one. SOCIAL. social social social. Our adult minds are still geared the way they were in high school- we weigh the potential social consequences for everything, and it paralyzes us!

And upon five minutes of reflective thinking, that, my fellow bloggers, is dumb.

So, bloggers, I leave you with this- Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Seize the opportunity to step up, and while I by no means endorse reckless abandon, don't let the social fear own your life.

YOU own your life.

That's all. BYE BLOG!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog Blog Blog BLOG TIME.

I'm going to get right down to the meat of it. TONIGHT'S ASSIGNMENT-

Tell you about my priorities before college, post college how they have changed.
I'm also going to address Valentine's Day even though that is not assigned- because I'm taking this blog an EXTRA. STEP #welcometothenextlevel

Priorities before college? Up until April of 2011, my priorities were all based around the idea that I was going to a fine arts college, as previously mentioned. Therefore, everything was geared towards voice lessons, intensive work on shows, and even more intensive research into different colleges. My work was mostly internally focused as I tried to figure out what I was going to accomplish in my college career as a theater major and how I would go about things after that. I was a planner.

And as I also previously mentioned, God had other plaaaaans.

I still have the nature of a planner- after all, my SECOND animal on the UZoo test after porpoise was eagle, which should explain everything to you. I'm organized, constructed, and also, I look to the future (see Strengths Finders 2.0 mention in first post) BUT my plans and the nature of my plans are very different. I'm no longer geared inwardly in growing myself as an actor, but OUTWARDLY by giving back to people through campus involvement. I've found that by giving back outwardly, I gain inwardly a sense of accomplishment and growth.

It's crazy, but it's true.

So, priorities HAVE changed, but the NATURE in which I prioritize is still consistent.

Okay, now I'm going to throw you a curveball. Valentine's Day. wasn't even asked to blog about this. I'm just throwing this out there. Taking a risk. Being risky. Because that's what I doooo.

Alot of people feel reallllly empty on Valentine's Day. But I want to remind all you bloggers that stumbled across this page for whatever reason of something huge-


"But God shows and clearly proves His love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5: 8

^^That right there is love bigger than any Hallmark card can describe.

Happy Valentine's Day, blogging community!!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Okay, here's the deal.

So you know that really short, last minute post from below that I was suppose to do for class?

Welllll, it was kind of the wrong assignment. Haha. STRUGGS.

It's okay though, because now I'm going to blog for reals about the real assignment topic, and *ideally* receive full credit because Sarah Rainey is a kind, understanding TA. (See what I did there, Sarah? Ok cool. Just checking-)

Alright, down. to. businessssssssss.

The REAL assignment for this week.

I'm going to inform you on-

What has influenced me.
Who has influenced me.
How my spheres of influence have fluctuated since I graduated from high school a short nine months ago.

Get ready for your mind to be blown.

Pre-college, big big big biiiig influence was the guys I grew up with in my church. Paul Nicholson, Eric Collingsworth, Zach Lawbaugh, Tyler Young, Matt Marshall, Matt Hunter, Ryan McAdams, to name the guys from my grade alone. These guys were the main group in my life for most of high school and we were very close as a group, therefore alot of our habits and mannerisms rubbed off on one another. So in short, my immediate circle of friends influenced me. Secondly, my directors throughout the years of theater, specifically Julie Tattershawl, Frank Gallagher, Christina Jenkins, and Troy Powell, four individuals that poured into me extensively in my time spent with them and, in different ways, left their mark on me and affected my growth as a person.

So there you have the Who's. Now that What's.

....Okay I'm blanking on my What's. BUT! There's reason for that. While there are (probably) "What" influences in my life, the predominant ones are always going to be the "Who" influences, simply because I'm a people oriented person. I mean, the UZoo test classified me as a Porpoise, 36/40. So, that should say it all right there. If you don't know what UZoo is bloggers, don't feel to down. You're just missing out on the coolest personality test OU offers evaaaaa'.

Alright, so the post-high school. Influences changed ALOT.

Well, scratch that, I changed ALOT haha. For the better, though! I've been very blessed to have grown and been given the opportunities I have had come to me over the past nine months, and the big influences are, once again, the WHOS- My big, Ryan Goodwin, and everyone else at the Wilson House, Lincoln Ferguson, Matt Curry, and JD Thomas (shout out to Connor Cox and Landon and Layne Ferguson who are there just as often as I am), my close friends from my pledge class, my sister Jessie Robertson who is a junior here at University of Oklahoma (and she bakes like a boss), along with Jessie's friends that I practically grew up with (AKA, The Sisterhood), Ranya Forgotson, the head of SFC and a woman who downright exudes energy in a way (and an AMOUNT) that's borderline inspirational, the house boys of Alpha Phi, the head pastor at Antioch (Who I've only heard like three times so far, buuuuut I kind of want him as a mentor now haha), and the list really, truly, does go ON AND ON.

Bottom line is this--- ALOT of people are pouring into me, and I've organized my life in such a way that the people I *know* are a positive, wholesome, and constructive influence on me are the people who get the most of my time.

And it's great. And I'm growing. Aaaaaaaand I love life.

Alright blogging community, I've got another paper to write, then it's work, Scandals, cell group, and bed by 12:30! (Wednesdays are my busiest day- therefore, Wednesdays are my favorite days) peace out blog kids!


Monday, February 6, 2012

OKAY- This one is quick post. Because it is late, and my bed has been calling my name for several hours now.

So this week, I need to outline several of my goals for you faithful blog folks.

So, here you go.

Have a successful Rush season for 2012: This is something I am putting a lot of time to, and will be putting a lot MORE time into in the months to come, me and many others. Rush season. It's going to be super awesome.

Get Involved in the CAC: Life is a busy thing, but one thing I want to pour time into is a CAC exec. It may not happen until sophomore year, but I will eventually make a bid for an exec. I am a big believer of  taking "what we do in here" to "fill the streets out there". CAC exec members get to invest time in something bigger than themselves and pour back into campus students. True story.

Lead Tours During the Summer: Student Tour job at OU over Norman. I want to get the job, and succeed in the job. Enough said.

Maintain and Progress in my Quest to Spread Positivity: THIS IS HUGE. I've stressed positivity before, and for good reason. My goal is to spread it where I go, therefore it's a daily goal.

Okay, this is super weak blog material, but it's 12:29 a.m. ....don't judge me friends! Sleep is required. Best of luck to everyone this week, make it an awesome one and live loud and live happy!
