Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Red Hawks, Insight and Camp Countdown

   I consider myself a Red Hawks fan. At least, as much as one can after only seeing two games. Today, however, the odds were stacked against me.

   You see, I did not drive up to see the Red Hawks play on a whim. Today was the Summerscope field trip day, so all of the teachers packed up 50 plus children on buses to watch the Red Hawks in a scorching day of minor league baseball.

   All that being said, I had a great time. I had to jump from seat to seat to stay in the shade, but it was a blast. And I had an incredibly interesting conversation with an eight year-old on the way there.

   I have a little girl in my class who has grown on me A LOT in the past weeks. She's cheeky, high energy, she loves to push my buttons every once in awhile- in other words, she reminds me a lot of how I was as a child.

   We sat together on the bus ride down. In the middle of conversation, she said to me-

"You know, Nathan, you were eleven when I was born."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I would have been in the sixth grade."

"Woooah, you were in the sixth grade! You would have been so little- I can't believe you're my teacher now. You used to be eleven, and I used to be a baby. But you know, God already knew we'd meet."

   I laughed at the idea but it gave me pause. Eight years ago, I was in the sixth grade. I was a short, buzzed-cut kid with thin rimmed glasses and a puffy vest that I probably wore twice a week. And now I'm a sophomore in college.

   Eight years ago, I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea of being a mentor to someone. But God knew when I was an awkward sixth grader on the edge of my teenage years that I was one day going to be having this conversation with a girl who was my responsibility- who I had influence over.

   Which brings me into my transition for Camp Crimson.

   On July 12-14, Boomer Session of University of Oklahoma's Camp Crimson orientation experience will go down, and I'll be right in the thick of it as a small group leader. As a leader, I'm going to be put in close contact with 20-30 incoming freshmen- who are as excited, revved up, and as uncertain as they'll ever be in their Sooner experience.

   I'm a big advocate of the idea that God is the ultimate networker- he brings people together in the right time, in the right context and for the right reason.

   Just as God knew I would talk with a little girl on a bus on June 26th, 2012, God knows the campers that are heading my way. He knows the introverts, the extroverts. He knows who are hopeful for a new start, who are afraid of the new start, who are excited to jump into campus life, who are still bitter about their high school experience, unable to mentally or emotionally move on.

   And based on the evidence in my own life, I'd like to believe that God is intentionally sending these Sooners my way because of the impact I and my Co-Leaders will have on them.

   Which is when I remember the responsibility and privilege I have with this opportunity to impact lives.

   And I tell you what- that kind of blows my mind every time I try to think about it.

  On an unrelated note, I had a great verse sent my way recently by Mark Cruz, a fellow Sooner and co-worker, when I felt pretty stressed by a God who was being too quiet- for those of you who are reading and are stressed or tired, I hope this helps-

Exodus 14:14- "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

   His verse reminded me of a similar verse.

Psalms 46:10- "Be still and know that I am God."

   For those who made it all the way through this, thank you for your time- and as always, God Bless and Boomer Sooner!


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