Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Free Time? Surely You Jest!

Hey bloggers. You know how in my last post I sounded very ambitious and ready to tackle the world?

Life Lesson: It's all good and well, but it's WORK. Allow me to elaborate on this very obvious statement with the experiences of the past few weeks-

Writing and reporting is a blast, and you better believe juggling two different venues at once is a huge learning experience- and it also means I'm usually conducting one or two in person or over the phone interviews per day.

Do not misinterpret me- this is GREAT experience and EXACTLY what I was looking for.

It's just a lot to juggle- but, of course, that's not all I'm juggling.

A third job, Chinese, exercise, Saxum Summership (which is AWESOME), the compulsive desire to learn how to cook, and rush work is keeping me in twenty different places at once.

Again, this is exactly what I've ask for and I'm thrilled.

I just also need a little more sugar in my diet to maintain my body. And by maintain my body, I mean keep myself from collapsing.

No coffee though. Never coffee.

God has been working with me as well- he recently brought these verses to me-

Job 33:28-30....

God has delivered me from going down to the pit,
    and I shall live to enjoy the light of life.’
29 “God does all these things to a person —
    twice, even three times —
30 to turn them back from the pit,
    that the light of life may shine on them.

I work with kids in the morning. Despite myself, I find it difficult at times to deal with a child who has three times, four times, ten times done the thing they know they aren't supposed to do, or TWENTY times ask the same question after I've given them an answer (usually, "no, I can't give you a piggy back ride right now...")

See, that's one of the great things about life though- God doesn't act like us. He drags us out of the hole we dug with our own hands, even though he's already done it 187 million times before.

Don't ask me why, he's God. One things for sure, if you ever question the love and patience that God can possess- these less commonly quoted verses offer a response.
And hearing God's love? Bueno.

Alright, I'm off bloggers. I have to interview some senior technicians, then set up an interview for a Miss America contestant, then go to a staff meeting, then edits....then a well derserved, quiet run in the park with my sister and some frisbee.
(But then after that, rush work. It's alright though- positivity always wins at the end of the day!)



Nathan Robertson
Public Relations, Sophomore
OU Dailiy II Sower Magazine
Minors: Entrepreneurship, Chinese
Jeremiah 29:11

(^^^Check out my digital signature. I'm obsessed with it.)

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