Monday, August 13, 2012

Adjusting to the Fall: Houseboy Life

If any of you have seen a tweet from me the past few days, it's likely been punctuated with the hashtag "houseboy life". For those of you who don't know what that means, I'm about to blow your mind.

But first, a little context.

My summer schedule is almost wrapped up. I only have one job left from the summer, and it wraps up Wednesday. While most collegiate students are in the holding tank between summer life and the fall semester-- a time where the most exciting thing to do is order textbooks-- I've jumped in early with my on-campus job. Or rather, on-sorority-row job.

That's right. I'm back on scene as an Alpha Phi Houseboy.

                                                                    Dad's Day, 2011

Located in the heart of South Greek, I've been working for the Ladies of the Ivy for ten months now-- and the most frequently asked question I get from the girls in the house is as follows--

"So, what do you actually do?"

Here's where the mind blowing begins.

My job, essentially, is that of a glorified dishboy mixed with a fraternity man's dream come true. With perks. A whooooole lot of perks.

I work, at max, maybe seven hours a week. Not only do I get paid for that, but I can walk in and eat in the house for any meal. I eat three square meals a day, every day, cooked by a professional chef, for free.

Did I mention it's in a sorority house?

That's right-- long gone are the days where I was selling sno cones to impatient children at the local Broken Arrow pool. I'm working, and dining, with some of the finest ladies at the University of Oklahoma.

                                                                  Work Week, 2012

And I tell you what, it sure beats the sno cone days.

However, from a deeper level, it's been a really awesome experience to watch the meaningful relationships develop over the past months. In a family related blog written by Leanne Ely, the dinner table was described as "a place of communion, fellowship, and reconnecting with those we care about most."

 And when I look at it, my job at Alpha Phi is serving me on all three counts-- communion, fellowship and reconnecting.

At Alpha Phi, four out of the five guys I'm living with this year are on staff. I eat with the girls regularly and talk about classes we have together, things that happened on campus and funny stories from their families. Mom Rose, the House Mom, has made me feel so comfortable around the house that I've started treating the house's kitchen like my own.

Working at Alpha Phi isn't just one of the best jobs I've ever had-- it's also given me a chance to develop meaingful and impacting relationships with people in the house, and create an OU version of "a home to go to" for dinner, studying...and yeah, getting paid.

We're just wrapping up rush week at the house, and it's been a blast-- it's got me pumped to start my own rush season, but also, it's got me excited to begin another year of relationship building for the glorification of Jesus Christ. Building relationships with the intention of loving on people is one of the best things I can do with my time at OU, and intend to do it.

  "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." -1 John 4:11-12

And also, another year of awesome food. If you haven't tasted Blanca's cooking, you haven't lived fully.

Thank you for reading! God Bless, Boomer Sooner, and three days until the class of 2016 moves in! Get excited new Sooners!


Nathan Robertson

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